Stephanie Writes


I am also available as a freelance writer for any of your literary, business, or personal needs.

Hello. My name is Stephanie, and I love writing.  I have always enjoyed the sweet escape of my imagination. The worlds that I created in my mind were softer, warmer, and much more favourable than reality. I know that everyone deserves a safe place filled with opportunities and possibilities, regardless of age or location. So here you are, a selection of stories and poems, written by me. 

I hope that you or someone you know benefits in some way from my creative outlet. 

I know I have. 

The Girl and The Cat

'The Girl and The Cat'

(I wrote this a few months ago, and my niece and nephew loved it!)

On a cold winter's day, 

a little girl sat, 

With a small fluffy kitten,

asleep on her lap. 

But all of a sudden, 

with no warning at all!

She jumped to her feet, 

standing all three feet tall! 

Startled and sleepy,

the cat was confused, 

so he stayed where he was.

No, he could not be moved! 

Holding on tight, 

(While she called to her mum). 

The silly cat clung, 

And he hung, 

and he swung! 

Then his sharp little claws, 

poked right through her tights! 

She let out a shriek, 

and he fell with a fright.

So he scrambled away, 

without grace or style,

his little paws sliding,

across the floor tiles.

Taking shelter he scampered,

to the back of the desk.

While mum and the girl, 

Checked her tights and her dress.  

Mum patched the scratch, 

On the leg Of the girl. 

And said with a smile, 

"Can you give me a twirl?" 

While the cat slowly ventured, 

from where he had hid,

The little girl crouched,

as she usually did. 

He crept slowly towards her, 

While hanging his head. 

'It's OK Mr. Whiskers, mum fixed my leg'

Gently she reached out,

and stroked his soft fur. 

He snuggled and snuffled, 

with a 'meow' and a purr. 

"I promise I won't jump up any more!" 

The little girl smiled,

as she sat down on the floor.

He stopped for a moment,

as she patted her knee, 

he jumped onto her lap, 

and didn't move until tea. 

The Magic Tree

(Inspired by Tollymore Forest Park). 

There once was a forest,

Made only of good things. 

It always felt welcoming, 

A dream in a dream. 

And in this sweet forest,

There stood a very tall tree.

Within it a secret,

So special, you see...

This tree was magical.

It was a house and a home,

For a special family,

Of fairies and gnomes.

Each morning they wake up,

And peek through the bark.

To awaken the flowers,

And banish the dark.

They cast spells of joy!

And they dance around flowers!

They teach birds to sing!

And they splash in spring showers!

They tend to their tree house, 

Baking cookies and buns!

They clean and they tidy,

But they make it look fun! 

At night time they whisper, 

So the sun goes to bed.

Then they welcome the stars, 

And they lay down their heads. 

Izzy's Lullaby

Izzy's Lullaby  

(Written for my daughter, who makes me smile every day).

Brightly brightly

Light as day

The sun is shining

In her own way.

Softly softly

Tip and toe

The sea is lapping

A sparkling show.

Quietly quietly

Whisper and hush

The wind is blowing

Through hedge and brush.

Glowing glowing

Sparkle and gleam

The stars are twinkling

While you and I dream.

Sleeping sleeping

Safe and sound

We rest our heads

Until morning is found. 

Old Mister Farty Pants

Old Mister Farty Pants was written for my nephew... who requested a poem about farts. 

Old Mister Farty Pants

Lived all alone.

But he really wanted

Some love of his own.

All of the girls he met

Said, "No, no, no!

Old Mister Farty Pants

Sounds like a trombone!"

He tried, and he tried, but

He just could not find,

Someone to be with him,

Despite his behind!

Then one day while farting,

As he walked down the street,

A lady walked past,

and her butt said, "Beep, beep!"

He looked back towards her,

She turned, face all bright!

And their butts both agreed,

It was love at first sight!

The Brave Puppy

This is one of the first poems I wrote. It's called, 'The Brave Puppy'.

There once was a puppy,

Who, try as he might,

Just could not be brave,

He was scared of the night.

His mother encouraged,

"Go on, you can try

to sleep without light!"

But he'd get scared and cry.

"Oh Mama, I can't do it!"

He cried the next morning.

His siblings could do it,

He heard them all snoring!

As the day became night,

And he washed his paws.

He thought about bed time,

And how scared he was.

"I have something to help you."

Said Mum soft and low....

As she gave him a teddy

With his tummy aglow!

"This is your new friend.

He'll give you some light.

And you can sleep in the dark,

With his tummy all bright!"

So he snuggled, all cosy

In his warm comfy bed,

Wrapped his paws around teddy,

And rested his head.


 I wrote this for a friend who had recently lost a loved one.  

It's called, 'Eulogy'.

Do not fear grief or sadness.

Embrace them as old friends.

These gifts are only given,

to those who are alive, loving,

and loved in return.

Do not suppress your pain.

And do not rush it.

Journey with it, for as long as it wishes to stay.

Feel it all, in every way.

Take comfort from your grief,

it is the transformation of love.

Think of them often,

speak of them daily,

love them as always,

they live on through you.


I wrote this poem for my Nana, who passed away in May 2023. It hit me harder than I ever expected, maybe because she was my last grandparent alive. 

Anyway. It's called, 'Joy' (Because that was her name, although not always her nature!)

Fear not the wind, or water high, if you have Joy.

Proclaim your self as who you are, if you have Joy.

Speak freely and be full of life if you have Joy.

Dance and sing, while wearing her things, if you have Joy.

Awake to the sun and sound of waves, if you have Joy.

Laughter distinct, and hug and drink, if you have Joy.

Sled in snow or get sand between your toes, if you have Joy.

Eat soda bread with marmalade, if you have Joy.

Dance with all your might on bonfire night, if you have Joy.

Sunbathe all day while the children all play, if you have Joy.

Eat Lucky Bag sweets, as she watches The Street, if you have Joy.

Plant tulips in grass, to line the garden path, if you have Joy.

Eat butter like cheese, and play Neil Sedaka please, when you have Joy.

Whiskey each night, and 40 Silk Cut Light.

Call her the queen and watch as she beams.

With a smile every day, 

When the radio plays, 

and you have Joy.

Mr. Hippo

My dear friend Mr Hippo,

Was always so slow and stop!

He moved like a sloth on holiday,

It took him 2 days to walk to the shop!

Behind him Miss Monkey looked angry,

As she tutted, while tapping her feet.

So she jumped up high to a tree branch,

And swang herself over the street.

Mrs. Bongo’s children were naughty,

Causing chaos, regardless of Mum.

They laughed as they ran towards Hippo,

And head-butted him right on his bum!

Old Lord Zebra appeared out of nowhere.

And while he trotted, he shouted ‘Hello!’

Tipping his top hat to Hippo,

Who admired his get up and go. 

Mr Hippo stepped into the shop, 

As a ringing chimed from his phone.

It was me who was calling to tell him,

He had left all his money at home! 


Disclaimer- I do not own the images featured except for 'Joy'. All other images courtesy of Google Image Search.